Online PR News – 15-July-2010 – VIP Electronic Cigarette, an online e cigarette retailer, started supplying an e-cigarette starter kit 3 years through their partner trading company. The 1st generation of e-cigarettes became popular with smokers looking for an alternative to smoking tobacco. Despite an early success, the VIP team believed the primary version of the e-cigarette could be improved.
Much has changed since the launch of the original electronic cigarette model. Based on customer feedback and after intensive research, they now have a first-class 3rd generation electronic cigarette to beat all rivals.
A modified lithium-ion battery increases the number of recharge cycles prolonging the life of the battery. The plastic filter tip now features a brown cigarette styled paper covering to convey the feeling of holding a normal cigarette. Individual micro-heating units (atomisers) and cartridges have been replaced by high performance cartomizers.
The new wave of cartomizers produce what can only be described as the closest experience to smoking a real cigarette as possible. Cartomizer vapor production is maximzed to present a full flavored throat hit to satisfy heavy, light or social smokers.
Buying direct from VIP instead of purchasing by way of an affiliate, reseller or third party can cost significantly less. By supplying their own exclusive range of electronic cigarettes, VIP can offer customers a great deal.
VIP Electronic Cigarette is a leading e-cigarette retailer in the UK unmatched for customer service and quality.