Attorney General Marty Jackley announced recently that the participating manufacturers in the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement have released their claims against South Dakota in the diligent enforcement litigation.
South Dakota was one of 12 states and four territories that are deemed uncontested by the major tobacco companies.
The dispute started in 2006 when the participating manufacturers reduced their annual MSA payment to the states. South Dakota’s annual payment is more than $20 million. The participating manufacturers claimed they were entitled to the reduction because the states did not diligently enforce certain statutes relating to other tobacco companies who were not part of the settlement.
As a result, South Dakota and other states sued the participating manufacturers.
“South Dakota has done its due diligence to enforce the tobacco laws arising out of the tobacco settlement agreement,” Jackley said.
“This success is the result of the cooperative efforts of the Department of Revenue and Attorney General’s Office with the full support of our state legislators.”